Austrian Army Film Data for Transcarpathian Region
Osterreich Armee Films
Added 08 January 2017
Family Search have now digitized the Austrian Military Archives collection of the surviving military personnel records for the Imperial Austrian Army. The films are arranged by regiment number. There is no index to the names in each film. Unless you know the regiment your ancestor served in it is difficult to extract useful information from this collection.
This page is a repository for transcriptions of personnel records for Imperial Austrian Army regiments connected to the Transcarpathian region of the Austro-Hungarian empire.
For a comprehensive discussion in English on Austro-Hungarian Military records please refer to the blog post by Carl Kotlarchik entitled: Austro-Hungarian Army Records: A Guide to locating Austro-Hungarian Military Records. The link is given below.
[NB: The link to the A-H army regiment map is broken. I have provided a wayback link and also posted my copy of teh map.]
General Notes on Transcriptions:
Accented letters (diacritics) were not transcribed. For example, we transcribed 'Janos Kovacs'. NOT 'János Kovács'
The original data is on the website. You will need to log-in to Family Search before you can view the images.
The forms are written in German. Links to guides on reading German handwriting are given below.
A limited set of data was transcribed.
Image Number: (Image number of the Family Search Digitized Film)
Last Name (Zu Name): Family Name, Surname
First Name (Zauf Name): First Name, christian name
Kreis oder Comitat
Land (Country):
Geburts Jahr (Year of Birth):
Comments: If you need to add a comment, please write in your native language.
Heft (Book):
Seite (Page:
Many of the forms contain a second page of additional notes. Personnel data is duplicated for these additional pages.
Note that the spelling of towns often uses old spelling notation. eg: 'Kalotza' instead of Kalocza. Names are usually spelled using the German form, but not always.
Place names:
Most commonly you will see personnel from the following 'countries' as per the designations used in that period:
Ungarn (Hungary)
Seibernburgen (German name for Transylvania, now in Romania)
Bohmen (Bohemia)
Mahren (Moravia)
Oesterreich (Neider or Ober): Upper and Lower Austria
Within Ungarn (Hungary) , most commonly personnel originate from Marmaros (Marmaros vm), Bereg v.m, Ugocsa v.m, Ung v.m, Borsod (vm), Zemplin (Zemplen vm), Pesth Solter (Pest District). In this period Bereg-Ugocsa were combined into one county.
A discussion board for this project for members is available at!forum/carpathian-roots
Infantry Regiment 5 (IR5) (Szatmar Nemeti, Maramaros)
Film 1186189
Books 5-7
Language: German
Updated 09 Jan 2020
Link to all films in IR5:
Notes: This film contains data for Inf. Reg. 5 that was based in the Szatmar Nemeti district. Many of the names originate from either Transylvania or Maramaros varmegye. You will also note that personnel also originate from Zemplen vm, Borsod vm and the Pest region.
Total lines of data entry: 20313
We have put together a rough table of geographical origin frequency. This assigns frequencies to the number of lines of data associated with a particular region. This cannot equate to definite proportions of recruits from a particular area. Records for some personnel are 1 page, other personnel records contain 2 or more pages.
Transcribed Films:
1186188 1186198
1186189 1186199
1186190 1186200
1186191 1186201
1186192 1186202
1186193 1186203
1186194 1186204
1186195 1186205
1186196 1186206
Infantry Regiment 37 (IR37) [Grosswardein, Transylvania]
Infantry Regiment 38 (IR38) [Lombardie, Venice]
Film 1326165/7677590
Language: German
Updated 30 March 2017
Notes: Item 1 contains data for Inf. Reg. 37 that was based in the Grosswardein district [Nagyvárad HU, Orodea ROM]. Many of the names originate from either Transylvania or Maramaros varmegye. Transcription of Item 1 is now complete. The remainder of the film covers Inf. Reg. 38, which was based on the Adriatic coast. Personnel were recruited mainly from Venice and Lombardie. Therefore this regiment is outside the scope of this project. There are no plans to complete transcriptions for IR38 or IR37.
This data is freely available. Membership is not required in order to view
Military Ranks in Grundbuch records
The following table lists military ranks as noted in these records. The ranks are sometimes different to those used in the modern era. It is not always possible to determine an equivalent modern rank. These records were compiled in the mid-1800's and the names of the ranks are more similar to the Napoleonic era than those used in late 1800's.